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Edit or Change Call Name / Pedigree Name / Owner ID

The Call Name:

This is the name given/assigned to a puppy or dog that will be used on a daily basis.

This differs from the Pedigree Name (see below).

IBC members – Please enter the call name assigned to the puppy/dog, followed by your organization’s acronym. (i.e. Rue GEB).


The Pedigree Name:

The Pedigree Name is the Registered name or breeders original name and/or ID.

Meaning this is the name the dog has been registered with a kennel club with, or the name the dog came with if receiving from a breeder or another school or organization. In the early stages (Neonate Status), both fields could have the same name and when transitioning into puppy training editing the Call Name to have the new Call Name and leaving the Pedigree Name listed as is. This could be a ‘name’, ID Number, a collar band color, shaved area notes, however you are identifying the puppy during the neonate stage.


To add or change the Call Name:


1. Go to the [Manage Your Dog’s Data] and select [MyDogs], OR Click on [MyDogs] Quick tab.

2. To edit/change the Call Name of a dog in your program, select the dog in the search field.

a) Start typing name in the search field

b) Click the search (magnifying glass) button

c) Click the Edit button next to the dog’s name you want to change.


3. To edit the Call Name or Pedigree Name, Place the curser in the field you wish to edit. Type the name as you wish it to be spelled.

IBC Members, please follow the Call name with the acronym of your organization (enter AFTER the Call Name) – i.e. Rue GEB. If you are receiving a puppy from another organization and no name is in the Pedigree field, copy and paste the Call Name over into the Pedigree field before editing the Call Name.

4. In addition to ‘naming’ the dog, you may choose to have an ID system to identify your dog with an organization number.

To edit this, go to Owner’s DogID (below the Call Name) and enter the ID (letters/number combination) you wish to use for that dog. This number should be a unique number to this dog.

 5. Once all editing is complete, click [Save] at the bottom of the page.