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Searches & Reports – BCL Crosstab

Searches & Reports can provide quick access to create and view a report for export and/or printing if you choose to do so.

Under the [Searches & Reports] tab there are many options listed. If you are needing a specific report for your organization’s needs, please submit a support ticket so we can discuss these options further with you.

To begin a search and report,

  1. Select Searches & Reports in the main menu.

2. Next you will select the report needed from the drop down list.



The [BCLCrosstab] report will allow you to cross reference the scoring data from all your dogs.

  1. To begin select [BCL Crosstab] from the drop-down list.


2. Next selct your search criteria under [Sum Count].

You can select by the Year BCL was done, Birth Year, Sire, Dam, BCL Type or by Owner


3. Once the Sum Count is selected, you can then view the adaptability scores (Severe to Absent) for that selection. Not Applicable and Not Scored Yet, can also be tracked scores here.

4. You can then further your selection view, based on what adaptability criteria you want to look at.  Select from the drop down menu which adaptability you wish to view.

For example: In this example, I selected BCL Type for the Sum Count and for the Adaptability, I selected Environmental Soundness.  You can see in the Training – Halfway row there were 19 Severe results recorded for this selection. 263 under Moderate, and so on.

5. In addition, you can also do a search by way of entering specific details. Go to the far left of your screen and in the seach column select your preferences.

For example; you could search for all tests / adaptability scores entered for one dog by entering the dog’s name in the search bar. Click the search (magnifying glass) icon to select.

Or you could leave the name blank and enter details under Breeder,  Birth Year, or Breed. Click the Search button once entered to do the search.

6. Moving further down this column, you can also do a search for all scores recorded within one or more BCL Types, simply select which test you are wanting to search and it will show the results for that test.

7. If you are wanting to view multiple, specific tests, simply click the word [Multiselect] at the bottom of the column on left, all the tests will be check marked. You can uncheck any boxes you do not wish to view, or to unselect all the boxes at once, simply unclick the box in the title (beside BCL Type) and proceed to check off just the the boxes of the types you wish to view that apply to your search.

When done your selections click [Apply].

8. It is also possible to print a report of the findings. To the right of your results, you will find a printer icon. Click on this to view the report.


Right click on this page to get your computer menu. Select print from the options. And finish printing as per your print options available.