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Adding a new litter after whelping

After a new whelp has been entered in the system and assigning a litter designation; the next step is to enter all the puppies in the litter.

1. Go to the [Estrus, Puppies, Breeding Colony] and select the [Enter Puppies/Edit Whelp Info] on the main menu or alternately you can select the [Litters / Enter Puppies] quick link on the Home Page.


2. Select [Puppies Add & Edit] 

3. Under the [Puppies Add & Edit] tab, select [Add New]

4. This will bring you to the Puppies Add & Edit, Add new page

Here you can add details on each pup as you enter them…

A. Call Name – Enter the name your organization has assigned to the puppy. This can be a name, an ID, collar band color, shaved area notes, however you are identifying the puppy during the neonate stage.

B. Sex – *Required field – Enter the sex of the puppy (male or female) from the drop-down menu.

C. Color – *Required field – Enter the color of the puppy by selecting from the options in the drop-down menu.

D. Microchip number – Enter the number of the microchip assigned to the puppy (this can be added at a later date when old enough).

E. Microchip Type – Enter the brand of microchip by selecting from the drop-down menu.

F. Microchip Date – Enter the microchip implant date.

G. School ID – If your organization has their own numbering / ID system, enter this ID here.

H. Breeders SchoolID – If your organization has a numbering/ID system in your program, enter this ID here.

I. Birth Weight – lb or kg – Enter in pounds or kg. The other field will auto fill with the other weight measurement

J. Managing Owner – Typically this will be your organizations’ name. In some cases, ownership is transferred for the period of time of pregnancy and for the whelp, so the managing owner would be who was in control of the brood during this pregnancy and whelp.

K. Cleft Palate (Y/N) – Select Y for yes or N for no, from the drop-down menu if the puppy has a cleft palate.

L. Pedigree Name – If registered with a kennel club, enter the pedigree name assigned to the puppy.

M. Sire – Sires are automatically saved, except for litters with multiple sires.

N. Breed – *Required field – Should automatically appear based on Dam and Sire breeds

O. Rank Litter Phenotype – Owners subjective rating

P. General Notes – Visible to all IWDR Users

5. Next, scroll down to the section that says [Status, End Reason, Work Type].

The only ‘required’ additions here are…

A. Status Change Date – Whenever [Status details] is changed, it will prompt you to change the date the change was made.

B. Status Details – If nothing entered, the system is set to auto save as Neonate, and DOB will be entered as the status change date. If a puppy is stillborn, or dies shortly after birth, you must change the status details to reflect this.

The rest of the fields are not required at the time of birth, but still important information to add if you know them or add at a later date.

C. Status Change Comments – Stored in status history, only owner sees. Ongoing.

D. Work Type – Enter the work dog was bred for – to do this, select from the options in the drop-down menu.

E. End Reason 1 – Enter the reason for ending training or placement. Please select from drop down menu. Avoid using Unknown. If you can not find the end reason you need in the list, please place a support ticket requesting your end reason be added.

F. Placement Type – Where dog is placed currently

6. Once completing all fields, click [Save] at the bottom of the page.